Climate Change Land Effects

The rise in global temperatures will affect land around the world in a variety of different ways. The entire geographic nature of some areas are being changed irreversibly. The lifecycles of numerous plants, insects, birds and mammals have already been disrupted. Even small changes can end up having large scale consequences. For instance, if a flower does not pollinate at the right time it can impact the entire food chain, and even unnaturally influence bird migration.

The Extinction Of Wildlife

Not all flora and fauna are capable of adapting to a new climate. Often they have spent generations getting used to a very specific environment. When their habitats are suddenly changed the entire species can potentially go extinct. The loss of one organism can start a chain reaction resulting in even more extinctions.

Agricultural Pests

It is not just the natural world that is suffering thanks to global warming. Over the years news sites such as Sky have reported on the rise of pests causing misery for farmers. These problem creatures used to only be constrained to low latitude areas. However, as higher latitudes get warmer pests will follow. Furthermore, as the warm seasons of the year begin to last longer pests can reproduce at a higher rate.


The natural world is all about synchronicity. It is a fragile balance that unfortunately is now being severely disrupted. The migrations of birds are timed to coincide with certain seasonal changes and temperatures. These migrations can be prematurely or lately triggered. Many birds rely on insects to feed on at migration routes. These bugs may no longer be available, causing potential starvation. Another new phenomenon is the early budding of flowers during late winter. This leaves them vulnerable to frost.

The Changing Of Woodlands

Another element important to nature is moisture levels. A large number of tree species have adapted to their ideal amount of moisture. Rising temperatures will change their habitats, restricting the growth of saplings and forcing species to migrate. Trees can live for many years. Because of this, the effects of global warming on them may not be noticeable until later in the future. By the end of the 21st century it is likely that once common tree types will be a rarity, especially in certain areas of Canada and the United States.

An Increase In The Amount Of Allergens

The rise in CO2 levels within the Earth’s atmosphere can stimulate growth in certain plants. This includes ones that are potent allergens. For instance, CO2 has a fertilising effect on poison ivy. It is estimated that 80 percent of people are allergic to this plant. Other noxious flora is likely to thrive in a world where carbon emissions are plentiful.

Climate Change Land Effects

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